Eagle Dreams

Sonke Mahlich


Terms and Conditions of Use

This website (the „website“) is provided to you under these Terms and Conditions of Use (the „Agreement“) and any amendments or supplements to them that may be posted by Sonke Mahlich from time to time.

Binding Agreement

By using the Website, you accept these Terms and Conditions and agree to be legally bound by them. You should not use the Website if you are born in, or are citizen of the United States of America or have any objections to any of these Terms and Conditions.

Protection of Intellectual Rights and License

You acknowledge that content available through the Website, including, without limitation, content in the form of text, graphics, music, photographs and videos (collectively, the « Intellectual Property »), is protected by copyright law, trademark law and/or other propriety rights and laws.

All photographs displayed on this website are the sole property of Sonke Mahlich. Except as expressly authorized by Sonke Mahlich, you agree not to copy, modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, assign, distribute, license, reverse engineer, or create derivative works based on the Website or any content available through the Website.

Except as otherwise noted, all rights, title and interests, including all copyrights, in and to all photographs posted on this Website are owned exclusively by Sonke Mahlich.

For further information regarding permission to use material or data, please contact me. I can be reached by email at : eagle@posteo.eu .

Limitations of Liability

You expressly understand and agree that under no circumstances will Sonke Mahlich be liable for indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages.

Applicable Law

The Agreement and the resolution of any dispute related to the Agreement or the Website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.

© 2025 Eagle Dreams

Thema von Anders Norén